Mann Bhanushali

Final-year CS undergrad specializing in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Robotics.


Autonomous Drone for Flood Management

Overview: Researched and developed an autonomous drone system designed to assist in post-flood search and rescue operations. The drone employs a Pixhawk flight controller with integrated RGB cameras and GPS modules to streamline navigation and execute efficient mission planning and victim location reporting.

Key Features:

Technologies: Pixhawk, GPS, YOLOv8, DETR-ResNet50, OpenCV, Python, ROS, Tensorflow

This is a private research project

Vidyaan – Autonomous Rover

Overview: Designed and implemented a robust autonomous navigation system featuring a custom hardware control architecture for precise, multi-level navigation.

Key Features:

Technologies: ROS, Jetson, Python, C++, OpenCV, Gazebo, RViz, SLAM, RTabmap, Arduino


Autonomous Navigation System for Vehicles

Overview: Developed a Visual SLAM-based autonomous navigation system using stereo vision to provide real-time feature detection, 3D point cloud reconstruction, and vehicle localization.

Key Features:

Technologies: ROS, Jetson, Python, C++, OpenCV, Gazebo, PCL, Eigen


A.I.V.A – Cross-Platform Voice Assistant

Overview: Built a cross-platform voice assistant that utilizes advanced NLP techniques for intent recognition and task automation on both desktop and mobile devices.

Key Features:

Technologies: Python, Node.js, Flask, Gemini, WhisperX, PyGame, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, AWS

Link to the Github Repository


Overview: Conducted research on applying Quantum Machine Learning (QML) for sound classification to improve performance and accuracy in processing audio data.

Key Features:

Technologies: Qiskit, Pennylane, Tensorflow, Librosa, Python

Link to the Github Repository

3D Model Generation from Text Prompts

Overview: Explores openly available techniques to convert text prompts to 3D Models.

Key Features:

Technologies: Python, NeRF, MiDaS, Stable Diffusion, PyTorch, Streamlit

Link to the Github Repository

Car Detective

Overview: Developed a computer vision-aided web application to predict car prices based on various features and images. Detects damages using pre-trained models and regression techniques to provide accurate pricing and condition assessments.

Key Features:

Technologies: Python, Flask, React.js, MongoDB, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn

Link to the Github Repository


Overview: Built a web application that enables users to create personalized Digital Identity Cards by uploading government-related documents. To enhance privacy, access to documents requires both the Digital Identity Card and facial recognition authentication.

Key Features:

Technologies: Python, Django, React.js, Node.js, OpenCV, Tensorflow, PaddleOCR

Link to the Github Repository


Overview: Developed a web platform to connect local workers with clients seeking solutions to specific problems.

Key Features:

Technologies: Node.js, React.js


Link to the Github Repository

Planets in Trouble

Overview: Developed A 2D Android Game made using the Unity Game Engine wherein the player needs to keep the planets from colliding using only a single finger.

Key Features:

Technologies: Unity Game Engine, C#


Link to the APKs